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Letter to the Editor: Preventative/Remedial programming for alcohol and drug users needs review

A letter to the editor from Dr. Richard Thatcher
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Letter to the Editor (Getty Images)

Like the old saying, when opportunity knocks, you are wise to answer the door — or something like that. 

Clearly, the opportunity to upgrade preventive and remedial responses to substance abuse problems in Saskatchewan is knocking loudly, alerting us to the fact that the time is ripe for a service review. 

The establishment of a ministry of mental health and drug abuse services last year must be applauded, as must the support given to the sixteen supervised safe injection sites in the province (although the failure to refund the Saskatoon site is surely a questionable one). Yet while the provincial government has gained ground in framing and planning an intelligent remedial response to cover the needs of a wide range of alcohol and drug misusers in our province, it is far short of the mark. Not only the methodology in current services but an appropriate distribution of resources along a full continuum of care appears to be seriously lacking.  In my opinion, a fundamental reset in preventive and remedial programming is clearly needed at this time. But at the very least, a serious review is in order.

Consider the fact that in very recent years drug overdose deaths in this province have been accelerating at a frightening pace: 233 deaths in 2020 and 75 thus far in this calendar year. Let’s admit it, we have another epidemic on our hands. If I’m not mistaken, those drug fatality figures do not include all the deaths associated with alcohol intoxication, including assaultive encounters, accidents at work, and traffic fatalities. 

A friend of mine whose son had a serious binge drinking problem recently said to me: “Like my older teenage boy’s secretive drink scares the daylights out of me. But it’s hard to get help. There are far more binge drinkers in the province than true alcoholics. But he can’t get treatment anywhere, unless he depicts himself as true drunk.”

Another consideration demanding a program review and service reset at this time is the current effort to simply move the Pine Lodge treatment centre program to another facility, without carefully considering its program contents and its most effective, strategic location. The program was in hiatus after a fire sacked the building in Indian Head in which it was housed. 

Apparently the Pine Lodge program that the current board supports is primarily based on a very traditional 12-step model and there are other programs in the province centred on the same approach. Such an approach may be a useful referral resource, along with S.O.S., high quality counselors linking the client to supportive interveners, Smart Recovery, Last Door programming and Moderation Management counselling; however, it clearly should not be a direct recipient of public resources: it is not an inpatient treatment model, it is a voluntary, community-based, self-help program. 

The very purpose of AA and other 12-step programs is undermined by its appropriation as a formal inpatient treatment model that can exclude those who are not willing to participate in the 12-step procedures. Surely examples of forced participation in a particular regimen of treatment are ill-advised, much as “conversion therapy” should be a thing of the past. Clever lawyers seeking class action clients or Charter challenges should surely take notice if clients are refused treatment in a public program because they do not accept the philosophy of the 12-step model.

Good reason demands that public programs centred on 12-step based treatment programs — or any other community-based, volunteer peer group program — must have their core therapeutic model replaced and have their treatment options expanded and inclusive of with a much wider range of problems. The current programs requiring client obeisance to a one-size-fits-all treatment model is fundamentally flawed by Its curious mixture of faith with rational skill development and its false labelling of clients as having a chronic disease from which they must forever try to recover (A heavy and unnecessary burden  to carry until death do us part). Such a belief is falsely presumed by the idea that some people have innate predispositions to drinking (Note, the “alcoholic personality” research has come up dry, despite continued efforts, including the most recent ‘brain wave” research). 

The 12-step model is not a good fit with binge drinkers, minorities, the poor, women, those who have not ‘bottomed out” and those who do not believe in a higher power. If I’m not mistaken, that’s the majority of people in the province who are experiencing substance abuse problems. Surely they deserve more consideration in treatment program design.

The available evidence makes it clear that, for most mood-modifying substance misusers, the psychic treadmill introduced by 12-step participation is an unnecessary and false prerequisite for overcoming chemical dependency — and, ultimately, whether in a peer support group or not, overcoming substance abuse is a personal achievement made much more likely by a little help from one’s family and friends. 

It is worth noting that most people with substance abuse problems eventually overcome them on their own, without any form of professional treatment or formal peer group support.

While AA has demonstrated its effectiveness for some individuals, its volume of client inclusion is but a small fraction of the population in need.

The question must also be asked in any serious review: Would it not be more appropriate to house Pine Lodge or a replacement treatment centre in or very near to Regina or Moose Jaw where a wide range of potential service supports and human service personnel are available rather in a rural location far from a major centre. And I’ll bet there are many patches of real estate in either city where a treatment centre would be more than welcome. The building housing the previous St. Michael’s Retreat in Lumsden, which is but 20 minutes from Regina, is an especially attractive prospect.

Surely there is a confluence of circumstances at this time to indicate that it is high time to review the scope, potential client coverage and best practices for substance abuse prevention and intervention currently in play in the province. Surely that would readily fit with the wider efforts going forward for which the Provincial Government can deservedly be proud.
-- Dr. Richard Thatcher 
Dr. Richard Thatcher-- a semi-retired social-psychologist and freelance journalist who has worked as a researcher and policy advisor on substance abuse issues for several decades. He has designed several substance abuse programs and he is the author of 5 books on the subject.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.  

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