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Letter to the Editor: Bullying?

A letter to the editor from Suzanne Walton

Premiere Moe was losing his professional side when he set an example recently. Premiere Moe quoted: "Sore Loser" to accusations from a speaker in cabinet about bullying and being threatened.

Okay, so in politics there have been many messy debates, so definitely do not enroll in politics if you're sensitive; I understand, but we as people of Saskatchewan have been fighting against bullying for years now.

So I'm just wondering why our Premier just throws it out there, “Oh, he's just being a sore loser,” like it’s no big deal.

Just putting it out there to say that just because a person is a big-top-on-the-hill important person, it does not mean he can bully either.

Suzanne Walton

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication. 

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