Before I continue this week’s column, I need to clear something up that was brought to my attention by a faithful reader. In my column two weeks ago, I mistakenly referred to Frank’s Pass being in British Columbia instead of it being part of the Crowsnest Pass, located in southwestern Alberta. My sincere apologies. For those of you golfers who are readers, you may wish to check out their brand new 18-hole golf course. Apparently, the view from the clubhouse is breathtaking!
To carry forth with this “mountain theme,” I’d like to finish up on the subject of the mountains of influence. As I mentioned last week, we can bring change simply by our prayers and involvement in the marketplace. It truly should be our heart to be interested and engaged in the 7 spheres of influence rather than put our heads in the sand. Jesus was a strong example of living a lifestyle of influence in his day.
I’ve already touched on four mountains: religion, family, education and government. Today, we will look into media, arts and entertainment and business. Regarding media, I hope you see through the mainstream media’s push to promote leftist propaganda. I may be stepping on some toes here but give it a little thought... when our MSM is paid out $600 million dollars, why wouldn’t they publish what they are told to publish? Thankfully, this newspaper prints all kinds of views and opinions.
I’ve just recently celebrated nine years of weekly writing for the Moose Jaw Express! I am so grateful for this opportunity and that I live in a democratic society that promotes free speech. You may wish to find other forms of media that report on the truth and aren’t promoting lies and anti-Christ agendas.
How about the influential mountain of arts and entertainment? Cultural tastes are formed by music, filmmaking, TV, social media and the performing arts. There is a strong appeal of sex, drugs and alcohol as well as the promotion of the breakdown in the family, dysfunctional relationships, corruption and violence to add to this influence. We need people who are passionate to use their God-given talent in this arena and provide an alternative to the narrative that is presently available. You can be a voice where you are. Let Holy Spirit lead you as you write, sing, speak and dance. Let my life be an example of taking that step (albeit a step of faith with knees shaking!) then live it out day to day. Use the platform God leads you to.
Lastly, the business mountain is another sphere of strong influence in our society. In a realm prone to greed and corruption, we must provide leadership within the business sector that is honest, faithful and has integrity. God wants us, as His governing Body, to walk in financial prosperity in order to finance His Kingdom work. We are blessed to be a blessing. Christian businessmen and women, arise!
Above all, there is one mountain that trumps them all. That mountain is called “The Mountain of the House of the Lord.” Wanda Alger, author of “Moving From Sword to Scepter” admonishes us to “...come up this mountain in the unseen realm in order to access heaven’s counsel, wisdom, and might as Kingdom ambassadors. ...we must learn how to rule from the spiritual mountain of the Lord from where true authority flows. The Mountain of the Lord is a place where Holy Spirit leads and we follow.”
Let’s be obedient to His leading. Read Ephesians 2:4-10.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the position of this publication.