The purpose of this column is to encourage and inspire, yet I admit there are times I wish I could write about politics. I know those two subjects seemingly don’t fit together in some weird way but I think I can weave both subjects into my column today.
If someone would’ve given me helpful advice as a wife and mom back in the early years of marriage and parenting, I think I could’ve used the sound wisdom that “you have more power than you realize” to affect my husband and girls. I mean this in a good, healthy sort of way. Of course, yes, we can have a big effect on someone negatively, but I’m referring to the massive positive effect we can have on our families that we may not realize we have. This, in turn, will affect all those they come in contact with.
Just think with me for a moment... if a certain leader of our country (I won’t mention any names) would’ve had a mom who had instilled values into her son such as the value of hard work, respect, honesty, integrity, responsibility, empathy and we all know this list could go on and on and on, I am positive our country would be in a much better position globally, spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially. I don’t know his mom personally, but I would question whether he’d had these types of lessons lived out in front of him as the foundation for him to build his life upon.
According to the dictionary, influence is the “capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.” Melanie Staggers suggests, “The home is the most influential entity in society.” This is a staggering statement. Our homes are the breeding ground for what we will see in the future lived out in society; one can see why the enemy has caused so much chaos in our homes. If we would only grasp the amount of impact we have on society that comes from our home life.
Our homes are the greenhouse of character building. Our spouse and children are good soil in which to sow good seeds. The atmosphere of our homes is the fertilizer that helps those seeds of love, forgiveness, integrity and compassion to grow. Our homes can not only be the refuge and safe harbor from the world, but we can also turn the tide with our godly influence and bring positive change.
“A wife of noble character, who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” Proverbs 31:10
I’ve always had a fascination with rubies since my paternal grandmother’s name was Ruby and my birthstone is also a ruby. It is interesting to note that it is impossible to standardize the grading scale with rubies due to the fact that every ruby is distinct and so different from another. When a ruby is priced, it varies based on its colour but the tone is not the only determining factor. Three elements must be evaluated together; hue, tone, and saturation of the colour. I like that a ruby was used in this proverbial verse; it suggests that a wife has many qualities that are essential in her marriage and home.
Ladies, God has woven us very intricately in order that we can have influence in all aspects of society all from the place we call home. Let’s be prudent in our influence; godly women training our children and supporting our husbands.
“Your greatest contribution may not be something you do but someone you raise.”