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Tintamarre 2019 raised a ruckus

The Francophone community paraded loud and proud through downtown Moose Jaw in celebration, dancing along to French music, noisemakers, and their own cheering voices

An impressive and colourful group marched down Main Street this morning, making noise and celebrating Tintamarre with the Association communautaire fransaskoise de Moose Jaw (ACF Moose Jaw).

The parade started off in the Crescent Park Amphitheater, before making it's way down Main Street towards the police station, where the ceremonial raising of the Fransaskois flag took place.

Tintamarre is an Acadian tradition, and the event is meant to demonstrate the life and solidarity of the francophone and bilingual community. Marching in bright colours and making noise lets everyone know that the francophone community is thriving, and gives francophones and bilingual speakers a chance to see each other as a whole community.

Students from École Ducharme, Central Collegiate, École St. Margaret, and Palliser Heights marched with the group, an inclusion that Chantal Amstad, director of the ACF, says is important.

“For a French community, it's important especially because it helps us get more visibility, for the whole community,” said Amstad. “[We want] people to know that there is a dynamic and vibrant French community here in Moose Jaw and that we're proud to be part of the community.”

The event concluded with a speech from Mayor Fraser Tolmie, and the singing of O Canada — in French, of course — while the Fransaskois flag was raised beside the Canadian and Saskatchewan flags.

Amstad estimated the turnout to be around 400 people and is delighted to have such success with the event.

“Great, it was a really great success. There's been a lot of people from the schools, from the community, and it's been awesome,” said Amstad.

Events that encourage a feeling of community are something the ACF strives to provide, and with the newly announced partnership with Gravelbourg on the Welcoming Francophone Communities pilot project, Amstad is hopeful for the future.

“We do not have a lot of details about [the program] yet, but mostly it's going to help us better welcome French-speaking newcomers, here in the region of Moose Jaw and Gravelbourg,” said Amstad. “There's going to be a committee of six people set up, who are going to see what things need to improve and how we can welcome them better, and keep them here in Moose Jaw and Gravelbourg.”

The project is from the Saskatchewan Francophone Immigration Network, whose goal is to make the province more attractive to French immigrants and encourage them to stay. The Moose Jaw-Gravelbourg application was selected for Saskatchewan, as they demonstrated potential in terms of the goals of the program.


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